Monday, 31 December 2012

My 2012

Do you know what, it has been a good year. Yes there have been lows because let's face it, life can be tough but all in all it has been a good year. In both my writing and my life there have been changes but I am entering 2013 full of hope and excitement.

Here are my highlights of the year:
1) My nephew was born. It is fair to say his safe arrival was the happiest moment of my year especially after my amazing sister had been in labour for five days. She is my hero and he is an absolute angel. Who knew you could adore another living thing so much.

2) Winning Campnano and NaNoWriMo. I didn't think I would achieve either of these right up until I managed to complete them. I am so glad I took part in both even though I had moments of despair! As always, the community was amazing and the sense of achievement was great. Fingers crossed I will be able to take part in one if not both of them this year.

3) Reading 78 books. I aimed for 100 but moving in the last two months really hampered my progress on this one. I am determined though to try again next year and now I have a new Kindle I have no excuse to not have a book (or many books!) with me at any time.

4) Moving house. I only moved to a flat upstairs but my old flat was small and damp and I wasn't able to sleep in the bedroom. At many times I wished I hadn't decided to move especially when I was sleeping on an airbed in an empty flat for a week but I am looking forward to starting 2013 in a dry flat which has views of the river. Lovely.

5) Finishing my WIP. I finished it before my first blog birthday in June and I now have two half finished WIP's - one from Camp and one from NaNo.

6) I wrote an article and was paid for it! I was asked by one of the few friend's who know about my writing to write a review of skyfall for an online magazine. It is one of those magazines you recieve if you are signed up to a particular company so I can't share it with you but to be paid for my writing was pretty amazing. And terrifying! My family have read it and my sister said 'I can't believe you wrote this' (in a good way!) so it was a great feeling.

7) Losing weight. I have managed to lose 24lbs in three months and am still going strong. This is a work in progress but I am feeling good.

So lots has happened and many things I have forgotten no doubt made my day at some point or other. My writing hope for 2013 is that I get something ready to send off to an agent. If I never edit and never try I will never get anywhere will I? So that is the hope. Pick one of my WIP's or one of my finished ones and polish it up until it shines as much as I can make it shine. Naturally ROW80 will be a huge part of this for me and I will join in on the 7th January for Round 1. I am going to spend the next week reading (yay!) and working out what to work on. With two unfinished WIP's I have writing potential but I know my finished WIP was a story I loved. Although that is the one with the first 50k written in the wrong tense *face palm*. So see you on the 7th when hopefully I will have some kind of direction!

I hope you have all had a wonderful year and that the rough times have made the good times all the more sweeter. Here is to 2013 and all the wonderful things I hope it brings us all.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

ROW80 Check-in 2nd December 2012

I did it!!! I won NaNoWriMo!!!!

I can safely say that I doubted I would do it many times this week and again it was the support of my ROW80 friends who were also doing NaNo and some that weren't but cheered us along that got me there.

My goals were:
1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
2) Write 1,667 words a day atleast for NaNoWriMo.

So goal 1 - I have read one book in the last two weeks. This is so unlike me it is untrue and I am about to start book number 75. I read 70 books last year so I have done better but with 25 books to read by December 31st I doubt it is possible as I will be moving this month. I just want to see how many I get read and truly I just want to find some time to read as it has slipped out of my life the last month.

Goal 2 - Hooray!!
Here is the breakdown of my week remembering I had got back on track last Sunday;
Monday - 1,639
Tuesday - No writing
Wednesday - 1,745
Thursday - 5,011 words written so I won with 50,152 words!!!
Friday - No writing, just sleeping!

It was a mad week. All my best laid plans of writing double on Monday went to pot because issues came up with my move (again) and had to be dealt with. Tuesday I had to go in to work early and was out in the evening. Wednesday, again I hoped for more but more moving problems *eye twitches* so really it came down to Thursday. I left work and was in by 6pm. Plan was to write from 7 until I finished but again moving issues meant I only sat down at 9 feeling tired and drained. Suddenly lots of my ROW80 friends were a couple of hundred away from winning NaNo and I was nearly 5k behind. I sat and wrote for 2 hours 40 minutes and won!!! It was so motivating, I didn't want to be the only one not to win and I wanted to be in the 'finishing on the 29th' club. I was meant to be away on Friday so I thought I wouldn't be able to write but although these plans changed and it meant I could have had an easier Thursday I am glad it happened the way it happened.

I will so be in for NaNo next year, I just hope it is calmer than this year!!!

I think I need to tweak my goals. I know it is not a great idea to stop writing after NaNo but I think this month I am going to concentrate on reading, my work commitments and moving. I will pick up my WIP in January, hopefully in my new flat and hopefully rested after Christmas.

So my goals are:
1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
2) Sort/Pack/Move!!

I hope everyone is having a great round!!!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

ROW80 Check-in 25th November 2012

Well my friends, it has been one hell of a week! In fact, did I check in last weekend? No I didn't. In that case it has been hell of a fortnight!

My goals were:
1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
2) Write 1,667 words a day atleast for NaNoWriMo.

Goal One - This has completely slowed. I was reading a book I wasn't really enjoying so did something I never do and switched to another one halfway through. I am enjoying it but I have no time to read! The 100+ books in a year challenge is slipping away and I doubt I am going to make it!

Goal two - The goal that consumes every fibre of my being!!!! NaNo is always hard. NaNo is always tough but of the three I have done this has been the toughest. Before November I made a grid of the month and made notes of days I wouldn't be able to write. I was organised and I knew I would plan around it. What I hadn't expected was things to do with my upcoming move consuming so much time and energy so that days I thought were free to write had no time to write. There have been four days I haven't been able to write and some days I haven't made the daily amount we aim for. I could feel myself slipping further and further behind and at times I felt like giving up. But I didn't. I have no idea where the motivation came from. It is a challenge you chose to undertake. I don't have to do it. It isn't a job I am contracted to do. But I wanted to. I didn't want to declare I would do it and fail.

It also helped that some of my good ROW80 friends were doing NaNo and they were struggling as well. We admitted it to each other on twitter - "Sorry you are behind but I am glad I am not the only one!" Lauren even coined the hashtag #behindboatisbanging and newtowritinggirl, Lena and I all grabbed an oar and have been trying our hardest to catch up.

Here are my words for the fortnight (just so you can see the fall and the climb!):
Monday - 1,676 words written
Tuesday - No writing
Wednesday - No writing
Thursday - 1,006 words written
Friday - No writing
Saturday - 1,676 words written
Sunday - 738 words written

Monday - I started the week 8,215 words behind. I wrote 3,133 words
Tuesday - 3,460 words written
Wednesday - 1,734 words written
Thursday - 1,717 words written
Friday - No writing :(
Saturday - 3,238 words written
Sunday - 5,017 words written

So as of today I am back on track with a total word count of 41,757 words written and the end is in sight!!! I am tired, behind with everything else but I am getting there! I know I am out on Tuesday so I will aim to do double the word count tomorrow night and try and write a bit on Tuesday morning. Today I have had a 5k day and I don't think  have ever had one before! I was meant to be away but the awful weather meant I had a quiet weekend here with no guests which is the only reason I ahve managed to catch up. If I hadn't been here this weekend I would have struggled. Note to self - make less plans next November! I couldn't have done it without sprints and simply checking in with Lauren and newtowritinggirl. There is something about knowing others are going what you are going through that motivates you.

I am going to focus on reaching 50k by the time I go away on Friday and then I can focus properly on starting to pack to move. Hopefully next weeks check-in will see me announcing my win of NaNo! But one step at a time.

I hope you are all doing well and I am sorry I have been so out of the loop. Have wonderful weeks!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

ROW80 Check-in 11th September 2012

So friends, things this end are going well! Well, writing things!!!

My goals were:
1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
2) Write 1,667 words a day atleast for NaNoWriMo.

Goal One hasn't gone that well. I am not enjoying the book I am reading at the moment but that is probably because I am so caught up in writing (hooray!). The reading challenge slips further and further out of grasp but I will still try!

Now to goal Two. Word counts this week have been:
Monday - 1,744
Tuesday -  1,874
Wednesday - 1,490
Thursday - 1,680
Friday - 1,556
Saturday - 1,695
Sunday - 1,653

Total NaNo wordcount so far = 18,362!!

On Monday I managed to write before work but for the rest of the week I wasn't able to do this. I managed to be at three #ROW80 sprints which as always is huge motivation and I hope to make them this week. As with last week I am not writing until I have 1,667 words that day, I am just making sure I have reached where you should be that day e.g. today you 'should' be on 18,337 words. Some days I write a little extra to finish a scene etc. and really I was hoping to try for 5k today (have never done that!) but life gets in the way. You know that saying life imitates art? Well my MC is moving house and it turns out I might be too. Although I will only be moving to another flat in my building the contracts, viewings of my place etc are upping the stress levels so I hope to keep everything going but I need to be sensible and get things done today. And I am on track so that is ok!

I hope you are all doing brilliantly and here is to another great week for us all!!!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

ROW80 Check-in 4th November 2012

Sometimes I guess it takes something big to get things moving and the 'big thing' going on with me is NaNoWriMo. The goals I set last week which kicked in on the 1st of November were:

1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
2) Write 1,667 words a day atleast for NaNoWriMo.

Since November 1st things have gone well.

Goal 1 - I read two books in the last week, both crime and I am close to finishing a third. The book I am reading is number 73 of the year. 100 books seems like a very long shot especially with the time NaNo is going to take up but I am going to see what I can do!

Goal 2 - My word counts for the first four days of NaNo are:
Thursday - 1,704
Friday - 1,637
Saturday - 1,702
Sunday - 1,625

Total word count so far = 6,670!!

By the end of day four you should be aiming to be on 6,668 so I am two words ahead! The last few days have gone well and I have prioritised my writing so I have been getting it done in the morning but I haven't been at work so that makes a huge difference! I haven't been writing 1,667 words a day but have been making sure I make the overall word target each day. This week looks quite quiet apart from the whole going to work thing so I will have to see how I get on in the evenings and I hope to make the #ROW80 sprints as often as possible. Last November I squeezed 10 or 15 minutes in before work which was hard but meant I had a couple of hundred words at the start of my day so I am going to try this again and see how I go. I found this was good as my WIP mulled around in my head all day but I need to make sure I know what I am going to write when I sit down as I am not 100% alert in the morning!!

So onwards and upwards with the word count! The words have been flowing well to this point so let's hope they continue!! I hope you are all having a great week and see you next Sunday!!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

ROW80 Check-in 28th October 2012

The best way to describe this week is a mixed bag. Here were the goals I set last week:

1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).

2) 30 minutes a day of NaNo prep - can include plotting, reading, character development etc.
Goal 1 - I am reading book 71 of the year. Man I hoped to be further ahead by now! I am not at work this week so hope to get lots of reading in but I am away tomorrow for five days with my sis, brother in law and 4 month old nephew and I am afraid cuddles and taking him swimming for the first time take precedence. But I really want to complete this challenge so I will try and read as much as possible.

Goal 2 - On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I managed 30 minutes of NaNo prep. I can't remember when I did what but here is what I have achieved:
* Written list of possible titles and am close to coming up with a working title.
* Written a character list with some small details.
* Written a more detailed (but not complete) description of my main character.
* Chosen famous look-a-likes and printed off pictures to help me with descriptions/visualisation.
* Started a list of 'things to include' when I think of random facts, quotes, points that I want to include.
* Drew a plan of MC's work place.
* Drew up a plot outline including plot points.

I have the main plot points but not many scenes written in. Actually I don't think I have any scenes apart from the ones in which the plot points occur. I need to work out the running order of my WIP as I have always written in a linear order.

So. We go away tomorrow but I will make time to prep. I have to as NaNo starts on Thursday!! So until Thursday my goals remain the same:

1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).

2) 30 minutes a day of NaNo prep - can include plotting, reading, character development etc.
And from the first of November I will change goal 2 into a daily word count goal in order to hopefully complete NaNo. I have lots of plans in November. Lots of big, entire weekends away plans but I will work around them and hopefully add extra words on some days. It is going to be crazy, intense, fun, bemusing, exciting and character building no doubt! I can't wait!!!

So from Thursday goal 2 is to write 1,667 words a day atleast. Crikey!

I hope you have all had wonderful weeks and those taking part in NaNo are more prepared then me!!!!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

ROW80 Check-in 21st October 2012

I almost didn't post today. I have been hopeless this week. And I mean hopeless.

My goals were:
1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).

2) 30 minutes a day of NaNo prep - can include plotting, reading, character development etc.
Goal 1 - I have read two books and will start book number 71 later.

That is where the success stops.

I don't know what has happened this week but I haven't done any NaNo prep. I won't try and excuse it as really there isn't an excuse for why I haven't done any preparation. With NaNo heading closer I am only shooting myself in the foot as I know that I need to be prepared for NaNo in order to a) win and b) not go crazy!

So what do we have....ten days after today until the 1st of November. That sounds terrifying. But as usual I have October half term so I am off work from Saturday 27th October for a week so I should have lots of time. Apart from the whole going away with my sister, brother in law and gorgeous four month old nephew. Eeeek! Although they know I am going to do NaNo so I have no excuse not to do some preparation and then writing. November is a busy month with three weekends away already planned so I need to get off to a good start and keep pace. As I said, it will only be me who suffers if I am not ready.

So here is the plan. Gene posted some links to blog posts all about NaNo and prep so I am going to grab a cup of coffee and read them and be inspired! Then from tomorrow the preparation starts. It has to.

I hope you have all had amazing weeks and the next week is even better!!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

ROW80 Check-in 14th October 2012

I set myself these goals last Sunday:
1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).

2) Decide on a genre and story for NaNo.

And I have to say I have done pretty well!!

1) I read 'Love Lies' by Adele Parks (one she signed for me at an event I went to, squeal!) and I am racing through 'The Girl You Left Behind' by Jojo Moyes. I had five hours worth of train journey this weekend and I put it to good use and read lots! I am reading book 69 so I still have 30 books to read before January 1st. Can I do it? I have two school holidays (A.K.A. Quality Reading Time) so it might be possible! I am going to try my best!


I decided to stick to what I love most and that is Chick Lit. I have hinted that I might try my hand at fantasy as I have loved some of the recent YA fantasy books I have read but I don't feel I have the preparation time I would need. And, I love chick lit.

The only issue was I didn't have a bright shiny idea waiting in the wings. So on my train journey on Friday I was pleasantly surprised when I suddenly remembered the chick lit idea I had before last year's NaNo that I didn't end up writing! It was a complete lightbulb moment and I like to think not unlike J.K.Rowlings train journey in which she plotted Harry Potter. ;)

So I scribbled some notes and now feel I know where I am heading!! It is going to be such a fun book to write (remind me of this in November!).

So, goals this week are:

1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).

2) 30 minutes a day of NaNo prep - can include plotting, reading, character development etc.

I feel pretty happy about goal 2 as I know setting aside 30 minutes a day to work on NaNo is a good way for me to work and I am going to try and coincide with the sprints on the #ROW80 hashtag on twitter.

So, full steam ahead! Once I buy a nice new notebook of course! Hope you have had wonderful weeks!!!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

ROW80 Check-in 7th October 2012

I don't know where the days are going at the moment. It only feels like a few hours ago I posted my Wednesday check-in but here we are again. Since I am slightly lost in the woods at the moment with regards to my writing I set myself these goals.

1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
2) Work out what I am going to do next with my writing.
Right, goal 1. I have hardly read this week. I usually read a lot but work is picking up pace and I just haven't had the time. I want to try and make more time for this in the coming week so this goal remains the same. I know I am way behind where I should be at this point in the year towards the 100+ books challenge but I am not going to work out how far behind. I will just keep reading and I have some great books in my TBR pile so it is no hardship.

Goal 2. I wrote on wednesday about my confusion about whether to plough on with my current WIP Matchmaker even though I am a bit unmotivated by it or plot something new for NaNo. Here were my options:

1) Be a NaNo rebel and carry on with Matchmaker but probably not win as there aren't 50,000 words left.
2) Don't take part in NaNo and carry on with Matchmaker. I don't like this option.
3) Start something fresh and return to Matchmaker at a later date.
And the winner is Option number 3!!! I have decided after listening to the advice of the lovely people who commented and thinking about it at every available moment to put Matchmaker to one side (as I seem to have done already) and plot something new for NaNo. So I guess goal number 2 is complete!

So this weeks goals are:
1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).

2) Decide on a genre and story for NaNo.

See how easy it is? Decide on a genre and story....if only it was that easy! I am toying with the idea of fantasy but the world-building and my lack of knowledge is putting me off slightly. I know I have lots of possible story ideas in one of my notebooks for chick lit books so I think I will head in that direction.

I was worried last week people would think I am not being as 'serious' as I could be this round by setting myself goals such as 'decide what to do' rather than 'write for x amount of time or write x words'. I have found though by setting myself the goal of deciding what to do it has focused my thinking. I have thought an awful lot about writing and my writing over the last week so even though the goals are different from what I usually set, they are working for me. And that is what ROW80 is all about right? I hope you goals are working for you and you have a wonderful week!!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

ROW80 Check-in 3rd October 2012

I m not sure I should call this a check-in as I have nothing to report! Partly because I haven't decided on my goals. I was all set to slope off into the background this round as I wasn't ready by the first to declare my goals but the ever motivational Lauren reminded me that I don't have to set goals that will last all round. And just because I wasn't there on the first of the month doesn't mean I shouldn't join in at a later date.

So. One for sure goal is:
1) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
I have read 67 books so am doing well but I think way behind with the challenge. I must find more time to read!!!

I want a writing goal but I just don't know where to head. I have nearly 60,000 words written of Matchmaker, Matchmaker but I seem to have come to a bit of a motivational slump. NaNoWriMo starts on the 1st of November and I really, really want to take part as I love the community and how productive I am during NaNo. I also want to start interacting with more writers in my area as sadly you guys aren't down the road! So I want to go to some local NaNo events. Hearing of people brainstorming makes me feel so exited and maybe it is what I need to kick start me back into writing.

However, I have a problem. I coud be a rebel and work on Matchmaker but I don't think there is 50,000 words left to go. I also feel kind of strange about starting something new when I am so far into Matchmaker however I did do this last year when I wrote my murder mystery in the middle of writing my last WIP.

So these are my options:
1) Be a NaNo rebel and carry on with Matchmaker but probably not win as there aren't 50,000 words left.
2) Don't take part in NaNo and carry on with Matchmaker. I don't like this option.
3) Start something fresh and return to Matchmaker at a later date.

Opinions? Advice? All will be welcome so I am going to set myself another goal to go with my reading one.

2) Work out what I am going to do next with my writing.
Not my most measurabe goal to date but atleast I am here!!! Hope everyone else has got off to a great start this round!!

Friday, 21 September 2012

ROW80 Declaration of Intent!!!

Just a quick post to say I am definitely going to take part in ROW80 round 4! Not sure of my goals so they will follow at a later date but already I am looking forward to a fresh round!!!

If you want to take part you can find the information here.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

ROW80 Check-in 19th September 2012

Well this is the final check-in of this round of ROW80 which is scary as it has flown by. It has been a busy round and squeezing CampNaNo in during August made it a slightly crazy one! But I am over 58,000 words into my WIP 'Matchmaker, Matchmaker' and I hadn't started it at the start of this round so that is great!!!!! Did I finish my other WIP at the start of this round? I can't even remember! I am going to try better to keep records of how often I met my goals next round because yes, I will be back!!!

Here are my goals at the moment:
1) Write at least 1000 words five days a week (week total 5,000 words)
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.

3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

And this is how I have done so far this week:

Goal 1
Monday - wrote 1,001 words
Tuesday - wrote 1,003 words

Goal 2
Done! and I will post on Sunday to make sure I feel accountable!

Goal 3
I am reading Marian Keyes new book 'The Mystery of Mercy Close' and loving it and linked to Goal 4 - I will review it this month.

The next round of ROW80 starts on October the 1st so I will think about some goals for then. I am going to keep trying to write 5,000 a week until the next round starts and I need to keep my reading up to try and achieve my 100 books in a year challenge!!!

Sorry this is quick but I am heading out to join a Slimming World group as I need to start making my health goals a priority! I eat when I write and drink lots of coffee and obvioulsy all the sitting whilst writing doesn't help. So next round I am going to include some health goals. Wish my luck!!

I hope you have had a wonderful round and thank you for all your comments along the way. I hope you will all be back next round and I will check out some check-ins tomorrow. But now, I need to go get weighed!!!!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

ROW80 Check-in 16th September 2012

Ok, since Wednesday things haven't been amazing this end but some progress was made!

My goals are:
1) Write at least 1000 words five days a week (week total 5,000 words)
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.

3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Goal 1
So on Wednesday I was at 3,043 words towards my 5000 word target. On Thursday I took part in One Thousand Thursday, the brainchild of newtowritinggirl the aim being to write 1000 words on a Thursday. I wrote 1,013 words which takes my word count for the week to 4,056. Since then I haven't written. On Friday I went to see an Agatha Christie play which was great and then I was at my parents for the weekend. There was lots going on there (which I won't explain here) so I wasn't able to write but I am not going to beat myself up because it was important I spent time with my family.

So I am closer to my 5,000 word goal than I was last week and fingers crossed this week I will meet it!!!

Goal 2
DONE! Two check-ins completed.

Goal 3
I have literally just finished reading 'the last letter from your lover' by Jojo Moyes which I loved. And now I have the NEW MARIAN KEYES book to read! I am so excited by this you wouldn't believe and I can't wait to get started! So I have read 65 books so far this year. Going to need a bit of a push over the next few months to reach 100 by the end of December.

Goal 4
The Mystery of Mercy Close will be my review for the month. I just need to read it first!

So not a bad week but goal 1 is still proving to be slightly beyond my reach. Am going to try my very best this week to reach 5000 words especially since it is the last week of this round of ROW80!! Hope you are all going strong and that this week sees you reach all your goals!

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

ROW80 Check-in 12th September 2012

Ok. I almost don't want to say it in case I jinx it but this week has started off well. Really, really well.

My goals are:
1) Write at least 1000 words five days a week (week total 5,000 words)
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.

3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Goal 1
I have managed to write for three days in a row and hit the 1000 word target each day too.
Monday - 1,035 words
Tuesday - 1,006 words
Wednesday - 1,002 words.
Words added to WIP so far this week - 3,043!!

It is now at 55,223 words and it is amazing how good it feels to see it going up by so much each day. Today I really didn't want to write but I decided to write for as long as my tea took to cook. In 30 minutes I wrote 1,002 words which proves to me if I sit down and actually write then it doesn't have to take me hours to write 1000 words. I know it won't be that easy every day but it pays to remember that some days can be like that!

Goal 2
One down, one to go!

Goal 3
Finished one book and now reading book 65 of the year. Still behind but doing what I can to read as much as possible.

Goal 4
Waiting to read hte new Marian Keyes book which is out TOMORROW!!!

So all in all things are ticking along nicely. Fingers crossed I keep up my motivation and make my 5,000 word goal this week!!! Hope you are all having a great week!

Sunday, 9 September 2012

ROW80 Check-in 9th September 2012

Well, this is kind of a pointless check-in as I have done nothing towards my goals since Wednesday. Nothing. Ok, here are my goals:

1) Write at least 1000 words five days a week (week total 5,000 words)
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.

3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

So I have completed goal two by writing this so I guess that is something!

Goal one. Where to start. I wanted to write 5000 words this week but since I haven't written since Tuesday I have only made 2,045 words. Which I know is good but not as much as I wanted. I think I underestimated the impact returning to work would make on my time, my energy, my brain power! In the evening it just seemed too much to try and write 1000 words so I just didn't even try. Believe me I am annoyed at myself. Yes I was tired and yes I had work to do and yes there is some family stuff going on at home but actually I could have written. But I didn't.

So I am not going to change my writing goal. I am going to keep it the same and aim for 1000 words five times a week but even if I sit down and write 100 words then that is progress towards the 5000 words. I feel if I change my goal I will be giving myself an excuse to try less and that is not ok. So let's see how this goes!!

I am reading a book I have really enjoyed and have nearly finished. I cannot wait till the 13th of September when the new Marian Keye's book is out and I should think 'The Mystery of Mercy Close' will be my September review! I just love Marian.

I hope you have all had much more productive weeks than me and hopefully when I check in this time next week I will be reporting a 5000 word week!!!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

ROW80 Check-in 5th September 2012

As many of you know I went back to work on Monday after a lovely six week holiday. I can tell you it is amazing how overwhelmed and lost you can feel when you haven't been at work that long although I am not complaining!!! I haven't slept because it feels like already there are a million things to do but I am starting to find my feet again. I am posting this on Wednesday morning as I am heading out straight after work with work friends to go for food and to the theatre to see Oliver! On a school night and everything!!!

So here are my goals:
1) Write at least 1000 words five days a week (week total 5,000 words)
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.

3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Goal 1 has gone well so far. I wrote 1,037 words on Monday and 1,008 on Tuesday so am 2,045 words for the week so far. Five words off the halfway point of this target I just noticed! I won't have time to write today so I am thankful for the 5 day part of this goal! 1,000 words doesn't seem that much after some of the NaNo amounts I had to pull so I hope I can keep up this momentum.

Goal 2 - halfway there!

Goal 3 - I am halfway through a great book at the moment, book number 64 of the year but now I am back at work my coffee with a book time is seriously reduced. Rubbish!!

Goal 4 - lots of time to get this done!!!

So nothing big and flashy but I am getting things done which is what it is all about! Hope you are having a great week!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

ROW80 Check-in 2nd September 2012

Did you notice? Did you? Did you notice my CampNaNo participant badge to the right has changed to a CampNaNo winner? Did you? Now I know this is shameless trumpet blasting but I am just so pleased I completed it this August. There were times in the month when I got behind and found myself thinking about giving up but I kept going. And a huge part of my motivation is my ROW80 buddies who are just so damn supportive no matter what you say to them and how much you moan and whine. It is such an amazing group!

Now I reached 50, 138 words but my WIP 'Matchmaker, Matchmaker' is maybe just past the halfway point. I haven't written today or yesterday in a post CampNaNo breather but I am back to work tomorrow and I don't want to ease off. I want to keep going so I get this WIP finished and then I can start thinking about NaNoWriMo in November! Madness I know but I just get so much done during the NaNo.

I need to tweak my goals because I know the next few weeks will be intense at work so writing the CampNaNo amount may be too big a stretch but I am going to aim for 1,000 words five times a week. This gives me a bit of leeway on busy days and some nights when I know I won't get a chance to write but should still keep my writing going.

From tomorrow my goals are:
1) Write at least 1000 words five days a week (week total 5,000 words)
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.

3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Goals 2 to 4 are the same and here is how I did with them last week!
Goal 2 - check!
Goal 3 - check! Am reading book 64 of the year now.
Goal 4 - I reviewed 'Along came a spider' by James Patterson which you can read here

I hope you are all doing well and we are entering the home stretch of this round of ROW80 so lets go hard!!!!

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Book review - ALONG CAME A SPIDER by James Patterson

From the back cover:

The whole nation was in uproar when two celebrity rich kids were kidnapped - and then one of them was found dead. For such a high-profile case, only the top people would do: Alex Cross, a detective with a PHD in psychology, and Jezzie Flanagan, a fast-rising young Secret Service agent. Yet, even they were no match for the killer. He could switch from blood-crazed madness to clear-eyed sanity in an instant. But was he the helpless victim of a multiple-personality disorder - or a brilliant, cold-hearted manipulator?

I have read one other James Patterson book but when I came across this one in a charity shop I recognised the title straight-away and having read a later book featuring Detective Alex Cross I thought it would be good to read his debut in Patterson's work. I loved this book. I couldn't put it down and when it ended one of my first thoughts was that I must track down the other Alex Cross books James Patterson has written. 

The subject matter is quite disturbing as all books that deal with serial killers are I guess but I think it is handled well. Yes there are some graphic details of crime scenes but they aren't extensive and yes they shock you but they tell you what you need to know. The plot had lots of twists and turns and certainly keeps you guessing. Several moments when I was shocked by the turn of a good way! I love it when you can't guess what is about to happen but it makes sense in the context of the story.

As an introduction to Alex Cross I think the book does a good job at helping you understand him. He is very likeable and I can see he has real longevity as a character. I think it is so important to get your Detective right in these kind of books as you need to care for him and be rooting for him to solve the case as well as wanting him to stay safe. I definitely did all these things. Although my only issue was that I know Morgan Freeman played this character in the film of the same name so I constantly thought of him as I read. This is obviously not a criticism of the book but in a way it meant I didn't create my own vision of the character. Now I love Morgan but I found myself thinking 'I can't imagine him saying that." Again, this is not a criticism of the book, more a criticism of my brain!!

This book isn't a mystery as it often shifts to the killers point of view so you aren't trying to guess who did it but focusing on why he does what he does. I loved the criminal psychology part of my degree so this element of the book really appeals to me and I love exploring why people act the way they act as much as it might terrify me. The villain in this piece is a fascinating character and I felt he was very well developed and terrifying.

This book is perfect for anyone who loves a psychological thriller and doesn't mind a few grisly details along the way. A brilliant read and I will definitely read the other Alex Cross books as soon as possible!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

ROW80 Check-in 29th August 2012

I am writing this while watching the Paralympics opening ceremony so apologies for any mistakes as one eye is on the television!!

This week has been less eventful than last week as I haven't been travelling and sleeping on friend's floors so writing has been smoother, except for today but more of that in a moment.

Here are my goals:
1) Write at least 1,613 words a day on new WIP for CampNaNo.
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.

3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

So I don't get confused will just work down the list.

Goal 1
Monday - 1,697 words
Tuesday - 1,499 words
Wednesday - 1,948 words

Total CampNaNo word count so far - 47,093 words!!

My word count for today shocks me as I have been plodding away for hours and not really watching my overall word count. The last two days the words have just poured out without any real effort on my part or so it has felt. And then today it has felt hard. Not impossible but hard. But I got there! And with two days left of CampNaNo and less than 3,000 words to write I feel good! My book is nowhere near done but chicklit books are usually between 80k and 120k so I will plod on after CampNaNo is over. I can hand on heart say I would not have written half as much without the motivation of completing camp once I said I was going to do it!

So I guess from the first of September I need to look at goal 1 and adapt it. Or maybe not? I want to take part in NaNoWriMo this November so I need to get this book finished by maybe mid October so I have NaNo preparation time. How am I even thinking about November when I haven't finished camp??!!  So next two days, write 3000 words atleast and then I will have won CampNaNo!!

Goal 2
Halfway done and see no reason why I won't check-in on Sunday.

Goal 3
I have read two books so far this week and am on book 63 of the year.

Goal 4
I haven't done this but I know which book I am going to review and intend to do this tomorrow. After checking out some check-ins I might make some notes to get started.

So that is that. A successful few days and it feels so good to be close to achieving the goal of 50,000 words for August. I hope you have all had wonderful weeks and I hope the next few days are our most productive yet!!

Sunday, 26 August 2012

ROW80 Check-in 26th August 2012

Well as predicted on Wednesday it hasn't been the most straightforward of writing weeks but I am pleased to say I am keeping on top of things. I think!

Here are my goals:
1) Write at least 1,613 words a day on new WIP for CampNaNo.
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.

3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Goal 1 - This has been very up and down with some days seeing no days written and other days loads! By the time I had finished typing up the words I had written on the train I was on 32,938 so that means on my two train journeys I had written 5,376 words. I can't help but wonder how many words I would have achieved if I had been typing on the train.

So on Thursday I wanted to get ahead and I managed to write 3,073 words. I went away on Thursday and didn't do any writing on Friday but had a great time at the spa. I did lots of thinking about writing though and lots of little snippets of ideas came to me which lend themselves to a fantasy novel. Will think about this when CampNaNo is over! When I got back on Saturday I worked out that I needed to write 4,289 words and I managed to write 4,333 words taking my total to 40,344. Felt so good to break the 40k barrier!

This morning I wrote 1,605 so my CampNaNo total is 41,949!!!

So Goal 1 is on track and yes it has not been overly consistent but when I have needed to sit and write for longer periods I have managed to make myself do so with ease.

Goal 2 - Check!

Goal 3 - I am reading book 61 so still behind but reading whenever I can.

Goal 4 - Must do this in the next few days! I have read some great books this month so will go back and decide which one to review although I think I have already decided.

So things are going well. Although I have spent time worrying about hitting my word count when I sit down to write Matchmaker, Matchmaker I really enjoy it. I am finding it easy to write as my MC and my plot outline is working out well although I have worked out some scenes I want to include later on.

I am out for the rest of the day but will check out some check-ins tomorrow! Hope you have all had a great week!!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

ROW80 Check-in 22nd August 2012

Hello my friends! It felt very strange not checking in on Sunday and not seeing how you were all doing but I had a great time up in Edinburgh. Such a beautiful city and so many comedians and dance acts to see in the Festival. Just brilliant. On the writing front though, not really sure how I am doing!

Here are my goals:
1) Write at least 1,613 words a day on new WIP for CampNaNo.
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.

3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Lets start at the beginning.
Goal 1 - On Friday I was on target. I had aimed to try and get ahead but didn't really manage it so went away on target. On the train up to Scotland I wrote for a few hours although I had forgotten how slow I was at handwriting. On Sunday and Monday I didn't write. On Tuesday on the train home I wrote again but not as much as Saturday, all the late night and cocktails seemed to catch up with me! Today I haven't written anything new but am in the process of typing up my train writing although my friend had a baby on Sunday so I feel justified spending the afternoon with her and her new baby boy! I am going to aim to type up the rest tonight. At the moment I am at 29,325 words and by the end of today I should be on 35,464 words to be on track for camp. I fear I may be behind!

Tomorrow I will be able to write but am going away with another friend tomorrow afternoon and we are having a spa day on Friday. I am SO excited about this as we have been to the spa before and it has lots of amazing steam rooms and I have a massage booked. After spending seven and a half hours on a train yesterday my back is very knotted and sore so I am very excited about this mini break!! I don't know if I will be able to write on Friday as I will be busy lying around in a bathrobe but I will back on Saturday and back to writing!

Goal 2 - Checking in now and had said last Wednesday I wouldn't be checking in on Sunday so I guess on track with this?

Goal 3 - I read two books - one on the train up and one on the train back amongst writing. I wish I had the stamina to handwrite for seven hours but I didn't and I thought I would use the time to read as well.

Goal 4 - Still needs to be completed. Must put some thought to this.

So that is me. Not slashing through word counts with a sword but plodding along and accepting my failings. I still have hope I will make the 50,000 word count by the end of August and I am trying not to get upset by the inconsistent graph on my campnano graph. I liked it in November when my daily word counts were above the line!!

I hope to get around to check-ins tomorrow morning and I hope everyone is being a bit more consistent with their goals then me.

Before I go, a final random thought. I was away with some friends and the boyfriend of one of my friends in Edinburgh. On Monday he randomly sat at the table with a notebook and was writing. I asked him what he was doing and casual as you like he said 'Just writing some ideas for a story I thought of'. Of course as a secret writer (known as Secret Agent Em to some of my writing buddies) I was intrigued and asked him more about it. He has never really written anything since school, he was just inspired by some work he recently did with a child he works with and a story idea just came to him so he thought he would give it a go. I told him about Campnano and this is a big deal for me as only my family and a couple of friends know I am writing and only one friend knows about my blog. I just felt stunned at the ease with which he told me about what he was doing as we don't know each other well. He was so confident like it was no big deal that he was choosing to spend his time doing this. It just got me thinking about how scared and nervous I am to tell people I write. Why? Why was he confident about it and I feel like a cliche to mention that I want to be a writer? I have no insightful answers to round off with but I wanted to mention it as it made me really question my fear. What am I afraid of?

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

ROW80 Check-in 15th August 2012

I got off to a shaky start this week. On Monday I could just not get going. I had no reason not to write in the daytime and spent most of the day feeling bad for not writing. I knew I was behind on my word count for CampNaNo and maybe I was apprehensive about catching up with my words but for some reason I just couldn't get going. I ended up writing in the evening whilst watching a movie with my sister and brother-in-law. Yes I got the writing done and it took hours but I caught up with where I should be for Camp but I kind of missed most of the movie. So yesterday and today have been better. I have written in the morning yesterday and today and I am now ahead of schedule. Big smile!

My goals are:
1) Write at least 1,613 words a day on new WIP for CampNaNo.
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.
3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Goal 1 - word counts are:
Monday - 3, 301 words
Tuesday - 1,553 words
Wednesday - 2,069 words

Total so far - 24,652 words!!

Actually, when I look at the word counts I have had a great week!!!! And I am so close to the halfway point on my 50,000 word goal.

My other goals are ticking along. I am checking in, I have read a book this week and am reading book 58 of the year. Still behind there but making progress. I will write a review at some point this month. I will!!

So, so far this week so good! I am however going away to Edinburgh on Saturday until Tuesday which will be great as I have two really, really long train journeys the length of the country so I can do lots of writing whilst I travel. I am not going to be able to take my laptop so I will handwrite and then type up the words when I get back. As I am going up with friends and we only have two days to explore Edinburgh and see as much of the Festival as we can I am not going to write on the Sunday and Monday. This isn't ideal during NaNo but I know I can work around it and the plan (I love a plan!) is to try and write over the word count for the next two days so I won't fall too far behind.

I hope everyone is doing well this week and as I will be in Scotland I won't be checking in on Sunday so goal 2 is suspended for a week but I will be back next Wednesday with hopefully a lovely word count!

Sunday, 12 August 2012

ROW80 Check-in 12h August 2012

Ok, this has to be quick as the Closing ceremony of the Olympics is starting any minute now and I want to watch it!!
Here are my goals:
1) Write at least 1,613 words a day on new WIP for CampNaNo.
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.

3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Ok, Goal 2 - big tick, Goal 3 - big tick (now on book 57 of the year) and goal 4 - to be completed at a later date!!

Goal 1 is going well although I am behind as I was out for the day yesterday and didn't do any writing. Here are my CampNaNo word counts:

Thursday - 1,632 words
Friday - 1,166 words
Saturday - 0 words (ouch!)
Sunday - 1,832

Total so far - 17,729 words

I am really pleased with what I have accomplished but I need to make up the gap as soon as possible as it is amazing how far behind you can get if you miss a day in NaNo. I am enjoying it though and as predicted I am struggling with too much time (please don't throw things at me!) as I have time to analyse my WIP as I go and this has caused some writer's doubt at times. In November when I am writing around work I have no time to think beyond 'write, write. write!' and found I was less critical of myself. I am going to try and put this doubt to one side and just write.

I will check out how some of you guys are doing but for now I must go and watch the closing ceremony. What an amazing couple of weeks it has been! Hope you have had great weeks!

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

ROW80 Check-in 8th August 2012

Another busy few days and lots of lovely words flowing without me having to drag them kicking and screaming out of my brain.

My goals are:
1) Write at least 1,613 words a day on new WIP for CampNaNo.
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.
3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Goals two and three are underway and I am currently reading book 55 of the year. Behind schedule still but I hope to catch up. A review will come at some point later this month so goal four is somewhere at the back of my mind but goal one which is the 'big one' in my mind has gone well.

Word counts are:
Monday - 2,181 words
Tuesday - 1,753 words
Wednesday - 1,618 words

Total so far - 13,099 words

It is amazing how much you can write when you actually, you know, write. I am still not finding the time to write first thing in the morning as I tend to have my nephew for a couple of hours so my sister can sleep or get some chores done and I love this time with him so I don't mind one bit. I have managed to write late morning or in the afternoon so I feel fresher than I do in the afternoon.

So CampNaNo is going well and hopefully the rest of the week will see the words flow. I hope you are all having amazing weeks!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

ROW80 Check-in 5th August 2012

Well it is 11.15pm so I will be checking in on time but don't expect much sense out of me. And so the NaNo madness begins!!!

My goals are:
1) Write at least 1,613 words a day on new WIP for CampNaNo.
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.
3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Right. Where to start. Reading has taken a bit of a back seat so I have not read two books this week and a book review will happen later this month. I am checking in so goal 2 is a big fat tick for this week.

Now for the elusive goal 1. For the first five days my word counts have been inconsistent but I have written each day which is something.

Wednesday - 2,054 words
Thursday  1,692 words
Friday - 783 words
Saturday - 2,153 words
Sunday - 865 words

Total so far: 7,547

So very up and down. By now I should be on a total of 8,065 so I am bit behind but I should be able to make that up over the next couple of days. Friday's words were low because I was at a wedding which meant all day out and today we have had a family day. I knew I would struggle to sit down and write at times but I didn't think I would find it this hard to find time to write. As I am not at work for the summer (if anyone doesn't know I am a teacher) so I thought it would be easy with all this time but what I hadn't banked on was distractions. In term time I live by myself so in November for NaNoWriMo I wrote when and how I wanted once I got home from work but staying with family has been a completely different experience. And not just staying with family but staying with my sister, her husband and my beautiful nephew who will be eight weeks old tomorrow. I do not know how you ROW80ers with children do it. How any writers do it. I find an hour passes and all me and him have done is cuddled and played. It is quite simply lovely. My sister is totally supportive of my writing for CampNaNo so it isn't that but I want to be as helpful as possible and as the lovely Lauren pointed out he is only to be this tiny once so I need to make the most of it.

I am going to try and get in  morning writing routine so I can enjoy my days without constantly thinking about when I am going to squeeze in my writing. So I guess I should go to bed! I am not going to beat myself up because I have written over 7,000 words in five days and that is pretty great!! I will try and get round to some check-ins tomorrow but hope everyone has had a brilliant week.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

ROW80 Check-in 1st August 2012

This post is intended to be a short one as my fingers and brain are tired after my first CampNaNo writing session! August has arrived!!

My goals are:
1) Until 1st August Spend 30 minutes at least a day on preparing for my new WIP.
2) Think of a name for CampNaNo project!
3) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.
4) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
5) Review one book a month.

The last few days have been a bit of a whirlwind as the CampNaNo prep has consumed most of my thoughts. I spent about 3 hours on Monday working on plot, characters, trying desperately to decide on a POV and making my WIP notebook which contains all the information I need. I hope!

I am checking in so goal 3 is underway and I have reviewed The Gathering Dark by Leigh Bardugo which can be found here so goal 5 is completed this month!

Now with CampNaNo starting today a goal change is needed. The aim is to write 50,000 words in the month of August which works out at 1,613 words a day. My goals therefore are now:

1) Write atleast 1,613 words a day on new WIP for CampNaNo.
2) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.
3) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
4) Review one book a month.

Today I have written 2,054 words which is lovely because already it means I am slightly ahead which hopefully will give me some leeway later in the month when I go on holiday. I really struggled to start today. I actually felt oddly queasy! I am not sure why as I have planned as much as I could but I guess taking that first step is hard. I am going to just try and write and not analyse or edit as the most important thing is to get my words down. I have decided to write from a first person point of view, let's hope I don't decide to change POV halfway through!

Hope you are having a great week and I look forward to checking out some check-in later :)

Monday, 30 July 2012

Book review - The Gathering Dark by Leigh Bardugo

(Now after the talk going around about using photos from the web and the potential of being sued I have decided not to include a photo here but you can find images here on Leigh Bardugo's website.)

Now I am going to try and not spoil The Gathering Dark by Leigh Bardugo (Shadow and Bone to some of you) but just in case I accidently do, I AM SORRY! I TRIED NOT TO!! Lauren kept mentioning this book on twitter and after a while I got curious and asked what it was about and I am so glad I did.

From the cover:

I've been waiting for you for a long time, Alina,' he said. 'You and I are going to change the world'.

The Shadow Fold, a swathe of impenetrable darkness, is slowly destroying the once-great nation of Ravka.

Alina, a pale, lonely orphan, discovers a unique power that thrusts her into the world of the kingdom's magical elite-the Grisha. Could she be the key to setting Ravka free?

The Darkling, a man of seductive charm and terrifying power. If Alina is to fulfil her destiny, she must unlock her gift and face up to her dangerous attraction to him.

But what of Mal, Alina's childhood best friend? As Alina contemplates her dazzling new future, why can't she ever quite forget him?


The Gathering Dark is book one in the Grisha trilogy which is a YA Russian based fantasy set in Ravka, a fantasy world of magic and darkness. After reading the Hunger Games and Divergent which I thought had brilliant settings it was great to read yet another book in which the world building was strong. It feels darker those other books, I guess because of the magical element.

Ravka is a country at war, a land split in two by the Shadow Fold which is dangerous to cross because of the ravenous Volcra that swoop in to rip you limb from limb if you dare to try and make it to the other side. Alina and her fellow orphan Mal grew up together and even when they are undetaking their military service their childhood bond remains. In a voyage across the Shadow Fold danger strikes and powers she never even knew she had burst out of her. Alina is suddenly propelled her into a life with the Grisha and she finds herself being described as Ravka's greatest weapon against the Shadow Fold.

The Darkling, which I think is an amazing name for a character by the way, truly is seductive and he certainly has a way with words. I found all the characters interesting in this book and I really liked Alina. I went online to look at some reviews of the book and was quite amazed at how many people didn't seem to like her as a heroine. She doesn't start off strong, in fact she is very insecure and I think it is fair to say weak but I feel that means she has lots of room to grow and already in book one, she has grown. I like a journey and her journey is one I want to be on. Her affection for Mal is blatant from the start and I like how it is not done in a 'I never knew I had feelings for him' way. She acknowledges these feelings and the fact she does little about them in this book seemed to be a contenious point for many of the reviewers I read. They thought it was weak not to act on this but to me, this was what being a teenager was about. Telling someone you liked them? Brings me out in a cold sweat even at the age of 29! I could identify with her in this way and I look forward to seeing how the love stories in the trilogy develop. Contented sigh.

This is perfect for anyone who likes Young Adult fantasy and I for one can't wait for book two!

Sunday, 29 July 2012

ROW80 Check-in 29th July 2012

I am not sure how many weeks in to this round we are but I feel I am hitting my stride after meeting my weekly goals again this week. Although everything changes in my Wednesday check-in when I tweak them to fit my CampNaNo word count daily goal in. Easy. Eeeeek!!

My goals are:
1) Until 1st August Spend 30 minutes at least a day on preparing for my new WIP.
2) Think of a name for CampNaNo project!
3) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.
4) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
5) Review one book a month.

Goals 1, 2 and 3 are big ticks and I definitely did read two books this week. I am going to review a book I have read tomorrow so that will be ticked off before we say goodbye to July hopefully. In my 30 minutes each day I have done more research into first and third person and I wrote a little bit of a planned scene from each perspective in the hope it would help me decide on a POV. It hasn't! I also read bits from two books I like, one from each perspective (suggested by Lauren) but I have to admit I am still unsure. I need to decide on this in the next 48 hours so I can start Matchmaker, Matchmaker on Wednesday. Any advice gratefully recieved!!

Now on Wednesday my goals do change because of CampNaNo. The overall goal for August is to write 50,000 words which works out as 1,613 words a day. Deep breath! Now I have done this before in November and I managed it, even getting up before work to write and fitted it around a very busy time at work. This August will be very different as I am not at work as I am a teacher so I don't have to fit writing around my job but I have to say I am slightly worried. It may sound crazy but in a way having limited time to write often makes me more productive. Some days last week I nearly didn't get in my 30 minutes because I felt I had plenty of time and then someone would invite me out to do something and before I know it I am out half the day. I know I could say no but if I can be disciplined I should be able to do my writing and also spend lots of time with family and friends. I think I need to try and get in a habit of getting up and writing in the morning. This is something I don't do when I am working but if I get up and write as much of my daily target as possible then I can be more flexible as the day unfolds. The sprints on the #ROW80 hashtag are great but I know evenings are not going to be the easiest time to write. So that is the plan. I will try and make some sprints as I love the support from my writing friends.

I am a girl with a plan and I hope it works! Hope you have had great weeks and here is to seeing in August with a flurry of words!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

ROW80 Check-in 25th July 2012

Well the sun is still shining and I am still managing to keep up with my goals! Huzzah!

My goals are:
1) Until 1st August Spend 30 minutes at least a day on preparing for my new WIP.
2) Think of a name for CampNaNo project!
3) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.
4) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
5) Review one book a month.

Goal one is going well and I think my preparation for CampNaNo is going well. On Monday I spent time going through some of the scenes working out the purpose behind each scene and how I was going to try and achieve the aim of each scene. I did this on Tuesday and Wednesday also so I now have a better understanding of the scenes I have plotted (I haven't plotted the end, I am hoping it is going to reveal itself as I go along!) and managed to get rid of a couple of scenes that didn't serve any purpose by themselves but could form part of another scene. Yesterday part of my time was spent researching the job my MC is going to have and finding some job adverts for her job were really useful at helping me figure out some of her traits - luckily lots of them I had already noted down.

On Monday I revealed to my family I am taking part in camp. Many of you know I am largely a secret writer so telling them was a big thing for me. I told them in a very off hand way and just said 'You know that writing thing I did in November? Well I'm doing it again in August.' When I did NaNoWriMo I had just broken up with my boyfriend and I think they thought it was a bit of a reaction to that decision (which it kind of was!) and this time they were just as lovely and just said 'That's a good idea'. It is nice because I just sat outside with my mum doing my prep and my sister knows I am going to be writing when I am staying with her. Now I just need to tell a couple of friends I am going away with during August because I am going to need to put aside time to write each day. I feel ok about this though and I am sure they will be supportive.

Now I have suddenly had a few freak outs. One being if the story is good enough but I am putting this down to the usual self-doubt we all experience and until I start writing I can't know if there is 'enough' story can I?! My other freak out is about whether to write in first or third person. I think my plan is to take a key scene and write a paragraph or two from each perspective and see how they feel. It seems more natural to write in the first person as everything is around the MC and there aren't any scenes in which she isn't involved so I am leaning towards writing in first but I am worried that being in her head might be somewhat annoying. I am going to try both and hopefully one will feel a lot more comfortable or appropriate than the other.

I still haven't done my review (how is it the 25th of July suddenly?!) but I am having lots of lovely reading time. I read 'The Gathering Dark' by Leigh Bardugo in less than 48 hours so I am well on my way to reading two books this week. I am now reading book 53 of the year so still behind but getting there!

This was meant to be a short check-in but hey, thanks for sticking with me till the end! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and I will see you on Sunday!

Sunday, 22 July 2012

ROW80 22nd July 2012

Another week down, another week when I have met all my weekly goals! Hooray!

My goals are:
1) Until 1st August Spend 30 minutes at least a day on preparing for my new WIP.
2) Think of a name for CampNaNo project!
3) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.
4) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
5) Review one book a month.

This is my second ROW80 check-in and I have read two books this week so I am catching up with where I should be in terms of my 100 books in a year challenge. I have now read 51 books and enjoyed a train journey today finishing an Adele Parks book. I still haven't reviewed a book but there is plenty of time for this to happen in July.

Now my 30 minutes a day since Wednesday have been hard to fit in at times but I have done it. On Thursday I read an article on a real-life matchmaker that Lauren brought to my attention and then spent time reading some of the Larry Brooks articles about NaNo. They can be found here. They are so helpful and as I was out on Friday from 8am till Midnight (end of term celebrations!) I caught up with Friday's 30 minutes by reading Larry's posts for an hour on my phone yesterday whilst on a train journey.

Today I have started doing what Larry suggests to optimise scenes by taking each scene you have plotted and working out what the scene needs to accomplish and how you will accomplish this. I have done this for scenes 1 to 14 and will continue with this tomorrow. As Lauren pointed out there are only 9 days till CampNaNo starts and I have my 'cabin' assigned with some of my good ROW80 friends in which is great! I feel in a good place to start on the first but there is still lots to do, namely set up my Matchmaker, Matchmaker notebook so all the scribbles and jottings are in one place and accessible for me as I move around this summer.

I am on summer holiday now and once I begin to relax I really hope to enjoy it even with the insanity that is CampNaNo thrown in but let's face it, is going to be sooooo much easier than fitting it in around work. Hope everyone has had a great week and see you on Wednesday!!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

ROW80 Check-in 18th July 2012

I almost feel I speak too soon when I say on a Wednesday my week is going well. I worry I will jinx it and all my productivity will come to a screeching halt. But alas, my week is going well!

Here are the goals:
1) Until 1st August Spend 30 minutes at least a day on preparing for my new WIP.
2) Think of a name for CampNaNo project!
3) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.
4) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
5) Review one book a month.

As you can see goal 2 is gone and Matchmaker Matchmaker (or MM) is my working title for my CampNaNo project. I keep staring at it and pondering the use of a comma between the words. What do you think? I am going to keep the scored through goal there as it is nice to feel I have ticked something off.

Since Monday I have spent 30 minutes each evening plotting and planning MM and I now feel most of the decisions have been made. Of course details will change but it is nice to feel the preparations are going somewhere. On Monday and Tuesday I spent the 30 minutes grabbing images of people, furniture, even clothes to help me visualise my characters and their surroundings. I read somewhere about planning character's houses and how you get insight into someone by their house and the things they choose to have around them. I have now stopped myself in this endeavour as I could collect images forever more. It does make me realise how great it is to create fantasy spaces. My MC's bedroom very much resembles my dream bedroom. Sigh.

Today I spent time working on how long the MC has known people and how they met and also I have been researching certain aspects of history as my MC studied this at University. It is so amazing the things you can google but also amazing how quickly time flies!! Now I need to think about things I still need to decide on/research/work out and I also plan to re-read the amazing posts Larry Brooks wrote for NaNoWriMo which can be found here. Really worth a read. 13 more days to prepare!!

I have been reading a bit this week and am close to finishing a book although I am not really enjoying it. I need a good book that I can really get my teeth into after 4 books I have felt a bit half-hearted about. Luckily I have many great looking ones lined up!!!

So that is all for me. Two more days of work and then my summer holidays start! Six weeks is really amazing and I don't even care if the sun doesn't shine at all. Definite perk of being a teacher!

Hope you are having a great week wherever you are!

Sunday, 15 July 2012

ROW80 Check-in 15th July 2012

Unlike last week I have actually managed not to lose momentum towards the end of the week and have done fairly well on my goals!

Here are my goals:
1) Until 1st August Spend 30 minutes at least a day on preparing for my new WIP.
2) Think of a name for CampNaNo project!
3) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.
4) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
5) Review one book a month.

Since check-in on Wednesday I have managed to do 30 minutes of prep work towards my CampNaNo project each day. I can't remember the exact day I did what but I now have a list of characters with names, famous look-a-like photos to help me visualise (so much fun to collate!) and decided on a job for each character and the link to the MC. I am really starting to like my MC and keep thinking of traits and aspects of her backstory often at inconveinient moments like when I am driving. Although I love that she is infiltrating my head somewhat. So goal 1 - big tick!

Now I giggled when I read the comments of Juliana and Nadja who quite rightly pointed out it is hard to help name a book you know nothing about! Very briefly my WIP is about a girl who matchmakes all her friends and the journey it takes her on. Oooooh that was brief! I have decided on Matchmaker Matchmaker as a working title....maybe MM for short?!? So goal 2 - big tick!

Checking in for second time this week. Goal 3 - big tick!

As always I have been reading at every opportunity and have just finished my 49th book of the year! Still behind schedule but making up ground and after this coming week I have 6 weeks off work so I will be reading lots and lots! Not sure if I have read two books this week but will give goal 4 a tick as have read lots of books lately.

Goal 5 still needs to be completed. Now anyone who happens to check out my '100+ books in a year challenge!' page (I'm sure you all do daily!) will notice I have just finished the Shades of Grey Trilogy. I will not be reviewing any of these books. I have read so many reviews of the books that say most of what I want to say and to be honest if I start reviewing one of them I will end up ranting and the review will be pages and pages and I will end up feeling rage. I have learnt some valuable lessons though which will no doubt help me in my own writing such as how repetition can be the most infuriating thing ever! However, my favourite reviewer of book one is red lemonade who you should check out. Warning though there is lots of swearing and spoilers if you haven't read the book and are going to. Also if you love the books don't look as it will ruin them for you! So, so funny.

Hope you have all had successful weeks and here is to another productive one!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

ROW80 Check-in 11th July 2012

This week so far has been focused and productive. Let's hope I keep it up!!

My goals are:
1) Until 1st August Spend 30 minutes at least a day on preparing for my new WIP.
2) Think of a name for CampNaNo project!
3) Two ROW80 check-ins a week no matter how short but sweet they are.
4) Read two books a week for 100+ reading challenge (or as much as I can!).
5) Review one book a month.

This is my week so far:

On Monday I worked on my main character. I had snippets of information about her floating around my head so I jotted all of these down and although I have gone back and changed them I feel like I am getting to know her well. Am going to try and find a famous 'look-a-like' as a photo of each character really helped me envisage them during NaNo last November.

I outlined plot number 4 which came to me in a light bulb moment as plots 1 to 3 weren't quite right. What I like about this plot is that my MC is not a cow as she was in other plots and although I am sure one day I will write about a MC I don't necessarily like, I like this one and want to relate to her which would have been hard in other plots. I think this plot is a keeper!

Also on Tuesday I opened my new CampNaNo notebook! It is A5 and black and soft touch with lovely spaced lines inside and it is where all my character bios etc will be written up so all the info I need for NaNo is in one place which will be useful when I am moving around in the summer. Lena mentioned she wrote an inscription in the front of each notebook so I decided to write a quote that I had above my desk throughout secondary school and it did keep me going during coursework and exams. The quote is:

'Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.'
Thomas A Edison

I joined in with half of the #ROW80 sprint which was lovely! I plotted possible scenes from plot point 2 up to the resolution. Obviously these aren't set in stone but I have a guide which I know is crucial in NaNo. I think I am going to wait till I get there to decide the resolution, what do you think? I have two or three possible ideas but I kind of want to see how I feel it should end after I have been on the journey with the characters....surely the 'right' ending will present itself?

So goal 1 is on track and I have been reading lots (an have had new books arrive today!) so goal 4 is underway too as is goal 3.

Now, goal 2. Naming my WIP. When I think of my project I think of it as 'Matchmaker, Matchmaker' or 'Match'. What do you think? Any opinions good, bad or ugly would be appreciated!!

So, so far so good and I hope I don't lose it over the coming days like I did last week. Hope everyone is having a great week!