Last year I started re-writing my chick-lit novel. I have a completed draft but as I have mentioned before it was written too seriously and I changed tense after 50,000 words and then I decided to change the plot so starting again seemed like a better idea than editing what I had. The plan this year is to pick up where I left off last November at the 25k mark of my story. Yes, that's right, I haven't touched my WIP since last November. Shocking.
This plan means I need to read through what I have and heck my plot as I know I have thought of my first
So, my plan is simple. Write as much as I can in November and hope for 50k because let's face it, winning NaNo feels amazing. I don't have many weekend plans this November which is good as I often end up with plans every weekend of November and I think with my weekdays as they are the weekends are going to be crucial.
I am on half-term this week (I'm a teacher) so the plan is to do lots of preparation and reading and just get ready. And then next weekend write like the wind and try and get a good head start!
So, I hope so of you out there are taking part this year and we can have millions of sprints and motivational tweeting sessions. I am so excited to dive back into my WIP but I do want to enjoy the month so I am determined not to get too stressed. Remind me of that!