Wednesday 4 January 2012

ROW80 Check-in 4th January

So far so good everyone! But let's face it, we are only a few days in!

I have managed to spend atleast 30 minutes on something writing related on Monday, Tuesday and today and I have done an extra 15 minutes today as I have a busy weekend ahead. I also wrote 500 words today instead of 250 as I know I won't have a chance to write at all on Saturday.

I have spent most of my time reading through my chick lit WIP and I am happy to say there are bits and pieces I like and I feel it has potential. When I sat down to do my 250 word 'test mile' I wasn't sure what to write as I am re-reading my wip so I picked prompts from the Write Anything website and wrote them with my new idea and main character in mind.

I am on book 3 of the year which is not bad going but I did lots of reading on the bank holiday which helped!!

I am also fresh back from a brisk 20 minute walk in chilly drizzle that I have to say I really enjoyed so have started to exercise, slowly slowly!

Hope everyone is having great weeks!


  1. Wow you're already doing great! 2 books down already, you read fast!

  2. I like the way you inspired yourself to write with the Write Anything website. The goal is to get to writing... you never know what will come from it.

    Looking forward to hanging with you this round! Happy New Year!

  3. Exercising! Way to go. You rock! I've yet to accomplish anything in that department. Very good work on the writing goals. And way to plan ahead. Keep it up, you're doing great!
