Sunday, 26 May 2013

ROW80 Check-in 26th May 2013

Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who commented on my check-in last week or tweeted me about it. Even though I know you ROW80 buddies are there I sometimes lose sight of how great you are! No-one judged me and people gave me useful tips. I've spent this week thinking and I have come u with a plan of action even though my goals are not that impressive!

1) Read as much as possible aiming for at least TWO books a week.

2) Write 5 sentences a day.

3) Write a ROW80 check-in each Sunday.

So goal one stays the same and this week I am off work so hopefully I will have lots of lovely reading time. I am currently reading book 30 of the year. Goal three is simple but I know I need to check-in to be accountable.

Goal two is new. Eden suggested this in her comment last week and I like the idea. The five sentences can be thoughts, ideas, things I have overheard, anything! I like this idea because no matter how crazy work gets in the next two months, (and it will get CRAZY!) I will be able to write five sentences about something. I am quite excited by this plan and feel it will get my writing head back in action.

So simple but effective. That is the plan! Hope you have wonderful weeks!

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Row80 Check-in 18th May 2013

I have completely lost my way. I don't quite know when it happened and I have no idea why but I have suddenly lost all faith in my writing and my ability. Nothing triggered it. Well, nothing I am aware of anyway. I just suddenly one day a few weeks ago thought 'Why are you doing this? You can't write anything good so why bother?'

So I slunk away and didn't say anything. I haven't written anything and I haven't read any of my WIP. I haven't been on Twitter much and I haven't been checking in. I just don't quite know what to do.

I have been reading so my goal of Read as much as possible aiming for at least TWO books a week is still kind of in play. I have read 27 books this year so behind schedule for my 100 books this year goal but there is still time. For now I might just go with that. I need to find a way forward because I do want to write. I just have a block. And not writer's block. Just a block.

When Lauren asked me if I was still alive today on Twitter I figured I better say something. I'll find my way, I'm sure. I just maybe need some time.

I hope you are all going strong and smashing your goals. I hope to check-in again with a bit more focus and direction. But for now, I'll continue reading.