Wednesday 13 June 2012

One year and counting!!!

Monday 13th June 2011
I am actually a lot more nervous then I thought I would be. It is strange really because nobody knows who I am so what do I have to be scared of? Over the coming weeks I hope to work out some kind of blogging schedule and set myself some goals to try and make myself SIT DOWN AND WRITE instead of simply dreaming about it.

Here goes nothing.....

In some ways it does not feel like an entire year has passed since I wrote the words above but in others, I feel like a completely different person. Whilst this blog has mainly been a writing diary of sorts it is only natural that my 'real' life has crept in at times. It is lovely to have the highs and the lows stored somewhere to look at and to remind me that I really am a lucky girl. Ok, since it documented my 29th birthday a few months back I guess I should say lucky woman. Eek!

I don't have any big blog birthday plans. I wish I had been more organised and thought of a competition or challenge or something but alas I have not. I was going to list all the amazing things that have come out of the last year but instead I have decided to simply say thank you. In list form as I love a list. Thank you to every single one of you who has:

1) offered me advice,
2) nudged me gently,
3) shoved me with both hands,
4) celebrated achievements with me,
5) virtually held my hand during the rough patches,
6) motivated me,
7) shared your experience with me,
8) accepted me even though I lurk in the shadows,
9) cheered for me and with me,
10) empathised with me,
11) challenged me,
12) been kind enough to give me a blog award,
13) sprinted with me.

If you did one, some, or all of the above, thank you!

And as a last bit of lovely news my nephew was born on Monday! Adam is truly gorgeous and one hug so far has not been enough so I am going home to see him and my lovely sister this weekend. There are no words to describe how wonderful it was to take the call saying he was here safe and sound. Tears said it all!

So Adam's arrival along with finishing my first draft of my WIP have meant this year has ended with a bang! Here is to all the words, friends, surprises and excitement the next year brings.


  1. Congrats, dear! Many more blog birthdays to you!

  2. What a wonderful way to celebrate your first year of blogging! A finished WIP *and* a new nephew -- absolutely lovely. :D

    Looking forward to more blog birthdays to come!

  3. Congrats on your nephew and finishing! I just finished edits on my WIP, so I know how good it feels to accomplish something and yet also be able to share it with people who get how cool it is.
    Good luck!

  4. Happy Blogiversary! Well done, you have come on so much in this year. Part of me can't believe it's been a year, but then another part of me feels like you've been blogging for ever! Here's to the next year, and the next, and the next!

  5. Gah! I missed the 1 Year anniversary of your blog! *facepalms* Congrats and also big awesome super congrats on your nephew! (love that name!) Let the spoiling begin! As for finishing your WIP: *throws confetti and sends up a gazillion balloons into the sky* I am so proud of you! You stuck to your goal and kept pushing towards it until 'the end'. :) Take time to celebrate your success, cause you deserve it!
