Sunday 16 June 2013

ROW80 Check-in 16th June 2013

Another crazy week in my 'real life', another successful one here! This is how I have got on:

1) Read as much as possible aiming for at least TWO books a week.
Reading time has been near impossible to find. Which I hate. I am reading Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo and am 65% through (good old Kindle!). I am loving it but as I said I am not getting much of a chance to read it! Hopefully I will finish it this week. I meant to mention that my blog is listed in the ones thanked at the start of the UK version as I reviewed The Gathering Dark (Shadow and Bone) last year. I can't tell you what a thrill it was to see my blog listed in a real life book! It made me think about how INSANELY great it would be if something I had written was an actual book! Little bit of motivation right there!

2) Write 5 sentences a day.
My five sentences a day goal is still going well! Whilst sometimes the sentences still reflect my day/things that are on my mind I have started to include more story/plot ideas.

3) Write a ROW80 check-in each Sunday.

Done :)

 Once again my progress feels small but at least I am doing something. With work as it is at the moment this is what I feel I can achieve. Fingers cross over the summer I will be able to step things up a gear. I hope you have all had wonderful weeks and have a wonderful week to come!

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