Sunday, 9 June 2013

ROW80 Check-in 9th June 2013

Another week of tiny, weeny progress. But progress is progress! This is how I have got on:

1) Read as much as possible aiming for at least TWO books a week.
As predicted the moment I got back to work my lovely reading time was snatched away! I read one book this week so I have read 35 books so far this year. Reading time is still going to be tough to find but I hope to keep reading as much as possible.

2) Write 5 sentences a day.I am still loving this challenge! I forgot to do my five sentences one day so I did ten the next day. I do find that the sentences reflect my day/things that are on my mind. I want to start gearing them more towards story/plot ideas.

3) Write a ROW80 check-in each Sunday.

Done :)

I feel this is manageable at the moment especially as work is crazy busy but I hope to get back to writing soon. Maybe rewriting my chick-lit, maybe something new, who knows! Hope you have all been productive this week and get even more done next week!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see the new goals working for you!! I think it's great that you have something manageable, especially knowing that work is going to be crazy. I know you have less time to read, but I'm just telling you that you have to make some because OH MY GOD MAL!!!! Okay, that's all :D
