Sunday, 14 August 2011

ROW 80 Check-in 14th August

Well what a week! I had worried that it was going to be the first week I didn't meet my goals this round but I have managed to do it! All goals met!

My check-in on wednesday was very short but wanted to do it as one of my goals was to check-in every wed and sun. I have to say my phone signal was shocking where I was and I really struggled being out of the loop! I hated not being able to write a lot and not being able to check out the check-ins of others which made me realise how important the ROW 80 community is for me. I posted my NaNoWriMo post before I left on Monday morning (if you left a comment thank you, a follow up post will be coming soon!) and todays check-in is my third post this week. Three posts - check!

On Monday - I spent 30 minutes writing from the Write Anything prompt before I left. Writing prompt goal - check!

On Tuesday I struggled. I had a BRILLIANT holiday with my friends but as I was sharing a room I was never alone and as I am currently keeping my desire to write quiet it was really hard. I try to take my frustration as a good sign that writing is becoming more of a habit for me. I didn't want to just think 'I am on holiday' and not try because I know it is a slippery slope for me and I don't go back to work until the 2nd of September so that slope of 'I am on holiday' could get very steep indeed. I found 15 minutes and made some notes about things I need to research, ideas for the history of my made up town and added bits to descriptions of my MC and her friend. (15 minutes short this day)

On Wednesday as well as my quick check-in (again thank you for comments!) I spent 5 minutes in the morning scribbling some ideas down about a new WIP which I am thinking of as a possible NaNo project (if I take part!). The idea just popped in to my head so thought I better jot it down before it pops out again! I also realised my roomie for the week is a heavy sleeper so once she dozed off I spent 20 minutes reading through my print outs of my WIP. My plan had been to edit these, scribble all over them etc but I felt I couldn't do this properly in this situation and I didn't want to edit in a half-hearted way but a simple read through taught me a lot. (5 minutes short this day)

On Thursday I spent 30 minutes (again while my friend was sleeping!) making notes about my thoughts from my read through. I made sure I had written some positives as well as negatives as I started my notes with add more dialogue, add more description, sort out order etc. and I started to panic so I wrote some things I liked aswell. I know my first draft is going to be very rough and I have lots to sort out to do with the order of things and working in the back story without constnat flashbacks.

On Friday I got home earlier than expected so had some unexpected time to add to my WIP. I caught up with the 20 minutes I had not managed whilst away, wrote my half an hour for friday and did my half an hour for saturday as I knew with my friends staying it was going to be tough. In an hour and 20 minutes I wrote 1664 words which is good but did make me think if I do have a go at NaNo am I going to need to find an hour and 20 minutes to write each day? Eeeek!

Today I added 685 words to my WIP so this week in total I have added 2349 words to my WIP so I am now at 10,178 words. Yay! Broke the 10,000 barrier! *confetti*

My exercise goal was to exercise twice. I went swimming twice and went for 2 short walks so exercise goal - check!

This week should be a lot quieter so I am going to try and aim for between half an hour and an hour of writing a day (official goal still 30 minutes). I am really looking forward to the writing week ahead!

I hope you have all had great weeks, off to check out some check-ins!


  1. I know it stole from your writing time, but a holiday is sometimes just the thing to remind us how treasured that writing time is! Hope you have a quiet week to get back in the groove after being away.
    Take care ~ Nadja

  2. Very good check-in progress. I bet you could do the NaNo no problem. I do the same about keeping my writing to myself. More people know as of late, but I kept it under-wraps for a few years before they found out. I understand the quiet hobby. It's kind of fun like that.

  3. PS - Thanks for stopping by my blog. Much appreciated.

  4. Good job, Em! Congrats on making those goals. Good luck this week!

  5. You're doing SO well. I'm so impressed that you're meeting every goal, and you're new to this blogging and ROW80-ing thing. Keep up the good work. I'm going to try to take a leaf from your book and hit my goals this week!
    I know how you feel not wanting friends to know about the writing thing. Funnily enough I find it easier to talk to randoms, or people I don't know that well about it than my friends! Even now some people area surprised I do it.
    You're off work until 2nd Sep, man am I jealous! saying that I'm off to Dublin for a long weekend on Friday, so I can't complain too much!
    Good luck this week - although by the sounds of it, you don't really need it!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my made me feel warm and fuzzy. :) It looks like you had a good week. You are doing great!! Good idea to incorporate your exercising goals with your writing ones. Perhaps I'll have to imitate...that is the sincerest form of flattery. :D Hope you have a great week!
