Sunday 12 February 2012

ROW80 Check-in 12th February 2012

Ok, lets start with the positive:

984 words in 30 minute sprint.

Since then, nothing!

Well not nothing but no writing. I have exercised by walking 20 minutes - a journey I would usually drive. But I have spent a wonderful few days with family and friends and I wouldn't change it for anything. I nearly didn't check-in as I felt a bit naughty not making my test mile and not spending 30 minutes on writing related activities each day but I have had much needed friend/family time so I am happy. Tomorrow is a new day!

I have been able to do some reading (I know I could have written in the time I was reading but it was always late at night) and I have read 10 books so far this year which makes me (I think) on track for the 100 book challenge.

Even though I haven't been writing I have been thinking an awful lot about my WIP. I think it needs to be written in the first person. I don't quite know why I wrote the first 50,000 plus words in the third person but I did. So I have to work out what to do now. My plan is to start writing from the point I am at in the first person and see what happens. When I first realised that I wanted to change this it freaked me out. A lot. But deep breaths and lots of thinking later I have decided to just move forward and see what happens. I just think first person makes a lot more sense for the story. Deep breath.

I hope you have all had great ends to your weeks and unlike me have actually done some writing! But like I said, tomorrow is a new day!


  1. Reading and thinking are both important for your writing. The more I understand about what it takes to write, the more I realize that the writing is the easiest part (for me anyway). Thinking through your work, actually developing the story takes the most effort. And an awful lot of that isn't done at the keyboard. No need for guilt. You're making progress. Keep it up.

  2. You exercised! Yay, Em!

    First person is far more intimate and will bring out the voice and personality of the character more. It is the difference of hearing a story face to face or hearing the story through text messages (first and third person). Best of luck, relax and enjoy it.

    Have a great week, Em :)

  3. "But I have spent a wonderful few days with family and friends and I wouldn't change it for anything." << I know what you mean!
    And the first person thing happened to me too a few manuscripts ago. I did what you said, began writing in first from the point I was onward until I was finished, then went back and changed the rest.
    It's a lot of work, but writing requires a lot of work. It's part of the job lol
    Have a great week ;)

  4. 50K is no trifle, Em! I can imagine how frustrating it would be to think of changing all that. I'm not usually a fan of first person, I prefer third person - but when it's done well, it's a hit! I like your idea of trying it out from this point in the story to see how it 'fits'. Smart idea.

  5. I'm a morning writer, night reader, so I get you. Good luck with your WIP. I like your idea to write in first person from her on out. Then you can see what you really think of it.

    Those wordsprints are so motivating. I need to hit a few this week.
